Snowfoam Gun in Action!

Snowfoam Gun in Action!

From CarDomain:
“I don’t know about you guys but I’m obsessive when it comes to keeping my cars clean. So when it comes to detailing and auto care I’m always trying new product and equipment. Needless to say, when I saw that Blake from NorthWest Auto Salon had a new toy I decided to get out of the office and check it out.

I first saw Blake showing it off in the AudiWorld Forums on a Touareg detail. The way I understand it is that the snow foam can be applied as the pre-soak after a thorough rinsing. The key here is that the snow foam is designed to separate the dirt from the paint and to allow gravity to pull the resulting foam of the car. Looking around I don’t see a whole lot of companies using this tool, but I am reading some pretty great reviews about it and Blake tells me that he is working with some product designers on the best mixture for the cleaning agent. So check this thing out. More pics after the jump!”

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