Once again I headed down to Portland, OR to do some good ol paint correction on a nearly brand new Ferrari Scuderia for Cats Exotics and our friend Tim hosted me for this detail at 503 Motoring. It was pretty dang hot of 100F+ degree weather and it was even hotter inside the shop. While I was there we had a couple other exotic cars visit. Take a look at some of the camera phone pictures I snapped while I was down there!

The F430 Scuderia I was detailing

Someone has committment issues 😛

Visitor 1: Orange Lamborghini Diablo GT

Visitor 2: Kevin from Cats Exotics: Lamborghini Diablo VT Roadster

Visitor 3: White F430 Scuderia fresh of the truck

Red Ferrari F430 Scuderia all finished up!